I made a creamy gazpacho that we ladled out for guests as they arrived. Not everyone is a raw tomato fan so I was pleased to see every single person finish their pasta-bowl sized portion.
I had bought some raw coconut ice cream upon my son's request, so I pulled it out of the freezer when everyone chowed down on dessert. Raw success in every course!
As in restaurants, all it took to make a raw meal in someone's else's home was a little re-arranging of the ingredients. I was able to partake in the high spirits of the evening and not have to worry about going hungry or conforming.
Question: What are your tricks for sticking with your healthy lifestyle anywhere you go?
OMG!!! These dinner recipes are so luscious and looks so mouth-watering. For my dinner party at one of New York venues I had arranged delicious dishes that were loved by all the guests. Happy to arrange yummy food.